
Topic Replies Activity
Pointer of a pointer 3 October 17, 2022
New keyword and pointer 2 September 3, 2022
Am I right if I say that this approach will work only when all elements of submatrix are same? 3 July 8, 2022
How did he assign int*arr an array on int*s should he assign it to int**arr 3 January 29, 2022
Use of double pointer 6 June 5, 2021
Approach 3 sub matrix sum of an array 3 May 20, 2021
Doubts in implementating code of sum of all submatrices 2 May 14, 2021
What does int** arr and new int*[n] mean? 2 May 9, 2021
All square submatrix of a matrix 3 April 6, 2021
Related approach 3 of 2d sum 1 January 29, 2021
Dynamic 2d array allocation error 3 December 29, 2020
Pls explain the circled part line bybline 5 December 29, 2020
The optimal approach is not giving the correct answer like the other approches 8 December 22, 2020
Explain the functioning of code 3 November 10, 2020
Int **arr intuition 2 November 5, 2020
How dynamic array create for matrix 2 October 29, 2020
In main function 2 October 29, 2020
Not understand whats going on in this program? 6 October 25, 2020
Sum of all submatrices of a given matrix implementation 3 September 23, 2020
In This Line "sum += (tl*br)*arr[i][j]" What Does ARR[I][j] do? 3 September 20, 2020
Double pointer ** in the function sumof matrix(int **a) 3 September 17, 2020
What does this line do? 1 September 6, 2020
Use of "new" keyword 3 August 31, 2020
Explanation req 3 August 27, 2020
Explanation of int main() {} code 4 August 18, 2020
Cant find the error 2 August 18, 2020
Why we used double pointer like this **arr 2 August 14, 2020
Sum of 2-D subarray 2 August 12, 2020
Not able to understand the main function 6 August 9, 2020
I dont understand the mainfunction 3 July 27, 2020