Can u pl explain me

int x = ~10;
What will be the value of x?
how to solve this question

Hi @spagire4 , let me explain you how a machine generates value for this expression , i expect you to be well versed with the concept of 2’s compliment.

let’s begin:-

  1. machine recieves the value ~10 (~ will invert all the bits). so the binary form of 10 is 00001010 (considering in as a 8-bit number) so we will get 11110101
  2. now here the machine will check the MSB (most significant bit) ,which is 1,so it will percieve it as a negative number.
  3. machine will convert the number in decimal form which is by taking its 2’s compliment and adding a - sign to it
  4. so 2’s compliment is done by ~(11110101) +1 which is (00001011) which is 11 and adding a -ve sign makes it -11, which is our answer

In case of any doubt feel free to ask :slight_smile:
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