how can i attach gif in html page i am using but it is not working
how can i attach gif in html page i am using but it is not working
use img tag and in src put gif name
autoplay in not working in html webpage
try using loop attribute
loop work when we first start the video and autoplay work when we open webpage it start playing video automatically. loop is working in my case but autoplay is not working
you are trying autoplay for gif or video. Which one?
as for video you can use video tag with autoplay attribute and GIF should start playing automatically when webpage is opened
video and for audio not for gif
so for video use video tag with autoplay property, if it is still not working send the repo link here
I will try it at my end
what is difference between substr and substring
substr takes two input, one is start index and the second one is length
substring also takes two inputs, but both index (start and end index)