Access modifiers

how can we mimic access modifiers of java in javascript?

Read this, it contains the detailed explanation of js classes, and how to make the private, public etc.

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JavaScript does not have direct equivalents to the access modifiers in Java, such as “public,” “private,” and “protected.” However, there are ways to achieve similar functionality in JavaScript:

  1. Closures: By creating closures, you can create private variables and methods that are only accessible within a specific scope.
  2. Object properties: You can use object properties to simulate the concept of private variables. You can set properties as non-enumerable or write-only, which makes them difficult to access from outside the object.
  3. WeakMap: You can use WeakMap to store private data associated with an object. The private data stored in a WeakMap cannot be accessed or enumerated.
  4. Symbol: You can use the Symbol type to create unique keys that can be used as private property names.
  5. Modules: You can use the module pattern to create private variables and methods that are only accessible within the scope of the module.