Logistic Regression - Likelihood estimation and Loss

How did you combine the two probabilities equation P(y=1|x;theta) = h (theta) x and P(y=0|x;theta) = 1 - h(theta)x into a single equation for maximum likelihood? [Time 08:00 in video)

Hey jyoti,

Pyi x (1-P)(1-yi)

In this statement if yi =1
(1-P)(1-yi) This statement would be 0 and we are left with Pyi which is h (theta) x

If yi=0 Then
Pyi this statement would be 0, and we are left with (1-P)(1-yi) which is 1 - h(theta) x.
Therefore we combined both statements into one.

I hope this clears your doubt,
Thanks :slight_smile:

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