
Topic Replies Activity
Log-Livelihood in logistic regression 3 June 22, 2020
Doubt in logistic Regression 2 May 31, 2020
Doubt in calculating loss function for logistic regression? 3 May 5, 2020
Probability functions in Logistic Regression 3 March 30, 2020
Reason behind taking log to likelihood function 3 March 21, 2020
Not able to understand concept 3 December 14, 2019
How is optimal theta related to maximum likelihood in logistic regression? 3 October 8, 2019
Logistic Regression - Likelihood estimation and Loss 3 September 18, 2019
Logistic Regression - Likelihood estimation and Loss 1 September 7, 2019
Logistic regression-likelihood estimation 4 July 25, 2019
Logistic Regression - Likelihood Estimation and Loss 3 May 25, 2019
Where is y.the equation of the plane dividing does not have y in it 2 January 4, 2019