Check my code repo link is given

The code(js file) in public/addnew folder name of file addnew.js i am trying to append the data given by the server but its not happening
Its the only problem

pls tell the reason coz of which the data is not appended

On line 10 of server.js, you are sending a string indicating succesful add. Instead, you must send back a json with the new data. This will be received by addnew.js file, and will be appended to the list.

But sir in file addnew.js when I am doing console.log(‘test’) inside click function even that is not printed on console, when I click the submit button the test comes for a second and then disappears… Why so?? And in another code I sent the string in res.send it was working but why not in this??

Thats because after $.post, the page refreshes. To avoid refreshing the page, return false from the function.

Return false from where??

sir please check this code,its with same approach and its working fine i mean the problem with the previous is not occurring in this one though everything is same

Remove the <a> tag around your Add button. That <a> tag is causing to refreshing the page whenever you click it, thats why you cant see the response.

Thank you sir
I saved that a tag for later but then forgot to removed it

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