
Topic Replies Activity
Convolution layer 2 September 28, 2021
Drop out layer shape 1 September 27, 2021
In Video Building Fashion MNIST 6 January 6, 2021
Issue related to mapping of filter and need to know how to calculate total number of parameters? 7 January 6, 2021
Machine Learning Master Course 5 January 6, 2021
I have a doubt in CNN 3 January 1, 2021
How Dropouts and Dense are working? 1 November 23, 2020
CNN implementation for Handwritten digit recognition 2 November 21, 2020
Handwritten digit recognition using cnn 2 November 15, 2020
Filter size after max pooling 3 August 30, 2020
Problem regarding keras 3 July 14, 2020
Problem in Building Fashion MNIST CNN with Keras 2 July 9, 2020
Sequential model 8 July 3, 2020
Gradient descent types 1 July 1, 2020
None of the content of this video is explained before 6 June 29, 2020
Difference between conv2d and convolution 2d 2 June 26, 2020
The kernel appears to have died. It will restart automatically 4 June 14, 2020
Doubt in lecture 2 May 15, 2020
Import keras --- error 4 May 13, 2020
Where we can get fashion mnist dataset 3 April 26, 2020
Please explain meaning of x=x.reshape((-1,28,28,1)) means 1 April 22, 2020
Can you explain x=x.reshape((-1,28,28,1)) means 1 April 22, 2020
Kernel restarting 3 April 21, 2020
Formula for calculating no. of parameters 1 April 15, 2020
Filter Values and backward propogation 2 April 13, 2020
My input dimension are 28,28 and it shows I have inputted wrong dimensions 6 April 9, 2020
Why is categorical conversion needed? 3 April 5, 2020
How do we predict the image in this fashion mnist by using cnn 2 January 19, 2020
Dataset problem inbuilding a cnn using keras dataset fashion mnist 2 January 18, 2020
CNN 08 - Building Fashion MNIST CNN in Keras 5 January 10, 2020