Why its time com.id not n2

predict the complexity of the code:

vector<vector > v(100,vector (100,-1) );
int func(int n,int m)
return 0;
return dp[m][n];
return func(n-1,m-2)+func(n-2,m-1);



assuming dp is initialized with -1 , we are computing the function for state (n,m) only once as repetative cases are handled by memoization and for every state (n,m) we are running a doubly nested loop so for every state we will have N * M operations (for loops) and there are N * M unique states so overall operations is (N * M) * (N * M) which is closest to O(n^4)

there is no memoization in the code they only declare a 2d array and not storing the returned value into the dp

yes they are not using the dp
so time complexity will be exponential

why not n2 for the worst case for a single value we have to traverse the whole array and we have total n element so its time com. is n2 ??

it is 2D array so no of elments is not n
n*m (no of rows * no of columns)