Whats wrong with the code

The same code passes the leetcode test-cases successfully but not here.
Can you please look into the code?

hello @apu_2017054 i would like to help you in the better way for that i request you if you can please share your code and please tell the question name .

import java.util.*;
public class Main {

static class Node{
	int val;
	Node next;

	Node (int val){
		this.val = val;
		next = null;

public static void main (String args[]) {

	Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);

	int n = input.nextInt();

	int[] a = new int[n];

	for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
		a[i] = input.nextInt();

	Node head = null;

	for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
		head = insert(head,a[i]);

	head = oddEvenSort(head,n);


static Node oddEvenSort(Node head,int n){

	if(head == null)
		return null;
	int i = 1;

	Node odd = null;
	Node even = null;

	Node current = head;


			odd = insert(odd,current.val);
			even = insert(even,current.val);

		current = current.next;

	current = odd;

		current = current.next;
	current.next = even;

	head = odd;

	return head;

static Node insert(Node head,int k){
	Node temp = new Node(k);

	if(head == null){
		head = temp;
		head.next = null;
		return head;

	Node current = head;

		current = current.next;
	current.next = temp;
	current = current.next;
	current.next = null;

	return head;

static void printList(Node head){
	Node current = head;

		System.out.print(current.val+" ");
		current = current.next;


} indent preformatted text by 4 spaces

please share your code by saving it on ide.codingblocks.com .

you have taken course in java language ?

Yes, I had in my second year.

@apu_2017054 please share your code by saving it on ide.codingblocks.com
and i am asking whether you are doing the course in java language ?