What's wrong with my code?

using namespace std;
int main() {
int i;
int a[i];
int n;
int sum=0;

return 0;

its my approach to the question of simple input .Getting test cases failed but running fine in my compiler.

hi @mehrasinghsumit,here you have made array a of size i where i is not initialized first so it is giving any random space to the array a,make the array a after taking the input n from user of size n and not of i.

its still not working

Instead of making an array what you can do is take a variable n and intitialize a variable sum as 0 then you apply a loop in which you will put a condition that is sum>=0 then take input of n inside the loop and caculate the sum by adding n and then check that if sum>=0 then print n. In your code you are taking input of n integers before in the array but you have to take an input of integer add that number to sum and you have to check that if sum>=0 then print that integer else dont print.

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