Whats correct way to overload + operator inl inked list

Im doing it this way whats wrong

class Node{

    int data;
    Node *next;

Node(int n){

friend Node* operator+(Node* &, Node* &);


Node* addLists(Nodehead1, Nodehead2){

if(head2==NULL)return head1;
if(head1==NULL)return head2;

Node *temp = head1;
temp->next = head2;

return head1;


Node* operator+(Node*&head1, Node*&head2){

head1 = addLists(head1,head2);
return head1;


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I will let you know what issue you are facing with this code.

To overload + you have to make a new class and then you have to overload your + operation
Check it here, you can see the implementation
Friend function won’t work in this case.

please can you check it

It’s simple just edit your code as per this code i have given. If Still not able to do it. Let me know. Will help you with the same.

please suggest changes in my code

I dont know much …

Okay wait, let me do it . Have replied to you in chat. You can see.

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