What part i am missing while writing the code

This is my code for the Coding challenge for the scrape a book store but i am getting only 98% accuracy i tried everything, but i am not getting where i am going wrong.
import scrapy

class BookSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = “book_spider”
def start_requests(self):
urls = [“http://books.toscrape.com/”,]

	for u in urls:
		yield scrapy.Request(url=u,callback=self.parse)

def parse(self, response):
	for q in response.css("article.product_pod"):
		# title = q.css("h3 a::attr(title)").get()
		title = q.css("div.image_container a img::attr(alt)").get()
		price = q.css("div.product_price p.price_color::text").get()
		img_url = q.css("div.image_container a img::attr(src)").get()
		yield { 
	next_page = response.css("li.next a::attr(href)").get()
	if next_page is not None:
		next_page = response.urljoin(next_page)
		yield scrapy.Request(next_page,callback=self.parse)

Hey @RAT_97, your code is completely correct. Actually the solution csv, did not contain “…/” in “…/media/cache/5d/72/5d72709c6a7a9584a4d1cf07648bfce1.jpg” for the first 20 rows. But it contains “…/” for all the rest 980 rows. Actually “…/” should be present, so informed the backent team, will be updated soon.

I would request you to move ahead with the course. I’ll get this updated.
Thank you for your patience :slight_smile:

Happy Learning !

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