What is wrong with my code here

What is wrong with my code here.
I am getting a score of 6% only.

hey @pradeep.itian ,
can you please provide a link to your code ,so that i can understand what is being done wrong .

Thank You.

I reduced the learning rate and it provided an improved result , hope that should be correct ?

hey @pradeep.itian ,
can you brief me about your approach , so that i can understand too which algorithm have you used and in what way.

Thank YOu.

I had split the csv data so that, the last row becomes the output.later applied gradient and gradient descent formulas. saved my code hereā€¦ https://ide.codingblocks.com/s/252835

hey @pradeep.itian ,
what score are you achieving now ?

Hi Prasanth,I am getting 96% now

so , i guess your code is working fine now .
Is there something left in this you wanna ask?