What is worng in my code please help?

What is worng in my code please help???

hello @anand_54

check ur grundy calculations.
grundy(2)=1 , urs is giving 0.
rest of the logic looks correct
refer this for clarity->

Can you explain how grundy number of 2 is 1

if a number is prime then we can’t select any b such that b is divisor of a. so grundy number of a is 0

yeah you right. . . .
actually i referred past threads where they are splitting 2 into (1,1) thay why i said grundy should be 1.
but just now i cross check the constraint here B>1 and A!=B so as per this logic grundy for prime number will be 0.
let me once cofirm with the team.

passed ur doubt to your mentor.

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Hello sir , My doubt is not resolved yet, can you tell this question is right or wrong?

bro , i already passed doubt from my end

It’s about more than 168 hour and my doubt is not solved yet, please help urgent.

Hi @anand_54

Please skip this question for this time. We’ll fix it soon.

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