What is the error in my code

try to run this input
Correct Ans : ADH
Your ans : AH

this approach is not correct
you can verify this by printing ans in each iteration
and also print the dp array in main()

Correct Approach

Following is a detailed algorithm to print the LCS. It uses the same DP table that was calculated using count LCS program.

  1. Construct dp[m+1][n+1] using the count LCS dynamic programming solution.

  2. The value dp[m][n] contains length of LCS. Create a character array lcs[] of length equal to the length of lcs plus 1 (one extra to store \0).

  3. Traverse the 2D array starting from dp[m][n]. Do following for every cell dp[i][j]

If characters (in X and Y) corresponding to dp[i][j] are same (Or X[i-1] == Y[j-1]), then include this character as part of LCS.

Else compare values of dp[i-1][j] and dp[i][j-1] and go in direction of greater value.

it gives correct ans in rec what i did wrong in memozation plz check my code

recursion calls are correct
but the way you store the ans in dp is wrong
what does dp[i][j] represent in you memoization ??

please provide me the top down approach of this

Top Down Approach

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