What is Operator Overloading ? why << not working for char address and showing A instead of address

the address is not being displayed and what is the relation with operator overloading and as said in the video that it is due to << operator

You will learn the details about operator overloading later in OOPS section. For now you need to know that the behaviour of the operator << is changed in the inbuilt library so as that when it is given a character pointer and a ostream object ( cout in this case ) as
char *A = “qwerty”
cout << A ;

It will print the string “qwerty” rather than the address of A.
If you really wish to get the address for any reason , you can obtain it as
cout << ( void * ) A ;

This will print the address of A rather than the string.

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thank you sir, will look into the oops section first.