What does these kinda statements tell us?

What does these kinda statements tell us?
ios_base:: sync_with_stdio(false);

@cbcao263 ,
short ans :-
this statement will let you take input faster by disabling the synchronization between the C and C++ standard streams which will save execution time for your program which might create difference between a T.L.E. and a A.C (for larger input size).

long ans :-
you may have heard that scanf and printf are faster in execution as compared to
cin and cout . this is because of “synchronisation” .this is the part where things will go little complex , so what happens is in c++ supports both cstyle I/O (input/output) and c++ style I/O and there is a synchronisation between them, If you synchronize, then you have a guaranty that the orders of all IOs is exactly what you expect. In general, the problem is the buffering of IOs that causes the problem, synchronizing let both worlds(C and C++) to share the same buffers. For example cout << "Hello"; printf("World"); cout << "Ciao"; ; without synchronization you’ll never know if you’ll get HelloCiaoWorld or HelloWorldCiao or WorldHelloCiao … so the time taken for synchronisation is reduced by using the statement
ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false) , but then you should not be using scanf and printf in your code .

very long ans :-

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