UTF and 24 bits deletion explanation

In UTF-8 we don’t we use 32 bits we basically just tell if there are more byte or not so I don’t understand how the explanation really works
Can you please explain it to me?

At what timestamp in the video is this being discussed?

by the way, java support many encodings and their conversions.

It was not mentioned in the video, I just had doubt about if the no is in utf-8 encoding , isnt that totally diff from normal int representation?

No that’s a c++ concept .
In java a byte is UTF-8 .integers starts from utf-16 onwards. Basically you can convert any lower valued range like byte to a higher value range like integer by appending extra zeros at the front to the MSB and changing the MSB of the new integer based on that of the previous, basically adding extra bits to the number while keeping the value same

How are actually an int denoted , I mean does 8 occupy only the bits that it need i.e 4 or it occupies all 32 bits???

all 32, range of int is -65k to 65k