Using LinkedHashMap for Solving this Java

I used a LinkedHashMap Approach for this question. Is using Maps for solving questions a good approach or not since the complexity of this is also O(n). In FAANG interviews can it play a wrong impression If I solve questions very easily using hashMap or LinkedHashMap. ??

hello @atul51

In interviews its ok to first present an easy / brute force approach.
later interviewer might tell u to optimise it furthur so that time u need to improve it.

Its a good idea to first propose an easy solution and gradually move to more efficcient solution . this way u can show ur thought process like how u arrived to effcient solution.

Hi @aman212yadav

my doubt over here is if Map uses O(n) times complexity and the suggested algorithm also uses O(n) times. Is there any other specific reason why a linkedHashmap should be avoided as it is very simple and convenient to use.

its not avoided, its too easy to come up , thats why they have added one constraint i.e u need to do it in O(1) space.

this map solution is not space effcient , it is taking O(N) space ,but u need to solve it in O(1) space .

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Hi @aman212yadav

you have cleared my doubts thanks for the quick support.