Understanding codeforces problem Football Season

Problem link: https://codeforces.com/problemset/problem/1244/C

Question 1.

In the video, at 5:38 we get y%w’ = (p’ % w’)/(d’ % w’) which means y < w , but how do we know that y < w ?

Question 2.

How the below statement from the codeforces editorial(https://codeforces.com/blog/entry/70553) is true? It is not clear to me.

“The crucial observation is that d wins give us the same amount of points as w draws”

Help please

@apaarkamal @KartikKhariwal @mr.encoder can you please help here?

hello @thirumeni.m07
you have reopned this doubt.
do u still need any help?

Hi Aman… Yes I still do because as you can see my questions still remain unanswered.
Can you please answer my questions?

he did a mistake here.

the equation must be this only -> y%w’ = (p’ % w’)/(d’ % w’) so to simply it furthur we can do one thing that if y>=w then we can subtract w from from y and add d to x (to make sure y<w). and this way we can remove %w from y.

points u will get after d wins is d * w right?
points u will get after w draws is w*d right ?
both are same. this is what they are saying

Do you mean we can keep on subtracting w from y and adding d to x till y becomes less than w?

Now, I understood this. Yes they are same which means we can subtract w from y and add d to x to make sure the total points remain the same? right?

yeah that is what i want to say.

right . . . . .

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