Unable to write solution code in text area

When I read the solution file, it is read as:

#include\nusing namespace std;\nint main(){\n\twhile(true){\n\t\tint n;\n\t\tcin >> n;\n\t\tif(n==42)\n\t\t\treturn 0;\n\t\telse\n\t\t\tcout << n << endl;\n\t}\n\treturn 0;\n}’

Now, when I try to copy this in the editor area using send_keys( ), it does’nt work. I also tried doing the same using normal text and it works just fine.

hey @SanchitSayala ,
does it shows any error or something or does it just doesn’t get send to editor.

Kindly let me know this

Instead of copying the code to the textarea, it opens this link:

With a bit experimentation with different inputs, I noticed that the textarea doesn’t support tabs. So each time it encountered a ‘\t’ it jumped to the next element and ended up in tutorials link given at the end of the page.
Is there a way around this problem?

yeah it will work as such way , but why are you using \t in your code file ?

I am using tabs for indentation. So, I can modify the code for languages like c++ and c by removing the indention, but for languages like python, I won’t be able to submit them because indention is a necessity in that case. There’s no way around it right?

There are lot of things in selenium , there might be some way to get this task done.
But some suggestions to try will be ,

  1. Try submitting your code using the IDE mode in code-chef . As i guess it works the same way we work in some any other editor.

  2. If you want to work on Non-IDE mode , then what you can try is search or create a script that disables tabs in browser . With this you can submit skip those tabs.

I hope these helps you :slightly_smiling_face:.