Unable to get 100 percent on Diabetes

I am using knn to predict the results. I tried for various values of k, ranging from 3 to 20, but unable to get 100 percent. Please share the solution or please tell the mistake i m doing.

I can share my code in the chat.

Hi @keshari Whats is the best accuracy you have received so far?

The best accuracy I m getting right now is 77 percent.

Hey @keshari
77% is a good score with KNN
Actually the ones who have achieved score 100 are our mentors itself , as they submitted the actual predictions only .
And yeah you can increase your score to 90 + also , but with KNN you will be limited to max 80-81% not more than this.
You can try other algorithms , ensembling ,feature engineering etc. They can help you achieve better score.

I hope this helps. :slightly_smiling_face: