Travelling salesman problem

I am not getting which subproblems are overlapping can you give example?? with photo

Suppose you are in the state 1010 then in this case, if u visit 3 bit before 1st bit then u will store this answer in dp array. If somewhere, u visit 1st bit before 3rd bit then, u can use the answer already stored in dp array.

But it depends on present parent source the arrangement is same but that parent is different can you name a diagram and denote overlapping subproblems??

Please clear it sir …

Pls elabarote ur doubt

Means as we made overlapping subproblems tree diagram of fibonacci make a tree diagram for travelling salesman and show overlapping subproblems… I m not able to make it

Can you clear it?? …

It is not accessible

Is it now accessable??

No it is forwarding request then cancel

How 001 has overlapping subproblems??

Ohh!! sorry, wo toh ek hi baar hai… the node more than one having same bits have the overlapping subproblem.

Why it is np hard problem ??

it has no quicks olution and the complexity of calculating the best route will increase when you add more destinations to the problem