Time stamp 6:40

confusion between * and &
why T& and *f;

also expain what does f holds

	T& operator [](string key){
		T* f=search(key);
		return *f;

f is a pointer of type T which holds the address of node containing key
now we have to return address of node so we return value inside pointer which is *f;

as we are returning address or reference of node so return type will be T&

if you have more doubts regarding this feel free to ask
i hope this helps
if yes hit a like :heart:: and don’t forgot to mark doubt as resolved :grinning:

what does *f hold here

as told it is pointer
which contains the address of that node whose data==key

which we get form search function

T* search(string key){
int idx=hashFn(key);
//returns address where value is stored
return &temp->value;
return NULL;
this is the search function so f is address of value
so *f should be value?
so how t& and *f have same data type

and the how does price["key]=10 gives correct result

in the operator[] overloading function
we store this address in the pointer f
so inside operator[] overloading function
f is pointer
*f is address

f should be a pointer but *f should be a value?
as in search function we return &temp->value

yes it is a value
but the pointer contains address
so the value of f is address

i hope now it is clear

when i do cout<<f;
what will i get
and when i do cout<<*f;

give error as it is pointer
this will print address of node

sorry but i am unable to understand

exactly which thing you don’t understand

using namespace std;
int main() {
int y=10;
here x is giving an address
but u are saying it will be error

something like this is happening please explain


okay right

now i am briefing the whole discussion

f is pointer
*f is value of pointer which is key

now we are returning *f by reference as return type is T& so that we can update value in main also

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now got it thanksssssss