Time out error is showing for my code

Can you please tell me what is the error in my code

hello @manikjindal49 could you please share your code by saving it on ide.codingblocks.com .

@manikjindal49 give me some time i will go through your code and let you know .

hello @manikjindal49 i have corrected your code and now it is printing the correct result and i have also commented the 2 errors.

if you feel that your query is resolved please mark this question as resolved and do hit a like button .
Happy Learning !!

please review my code which i have given

@manikjindal49 i have reviewed your code only and i have made corrections in your code only .
please atleast go through the code which i have given to you .
after going through the code please if you still feel that you have doubt please ask here .
Happy Learning !!