Tetrahedran codeforces que


tell me this question concept also?

Hey @ankit_verma
This is very simple DP problem

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#define mod 1000000007
#define ll long long

int main() {
    int n;
    ll a=0,b=0,c=0,d=1;
    for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){
        ll x=(b+c+d)%mod;  //a
        ll y=(a+c+d)%mod;  //b;
        ll z=(a+b+d)%mod;  //c
        ll D=(a+b+c)%mod;

    return 0; 

So there can be 4 possible states of ant at any time
its at A or B or C or D
So We start with possible ways for n=0 at A=0,B=0,C=0 and D=1
So for n=1 we can go to A form B,C & D
similarly for rest
And finally for next iteration we update a,b,c,d with x,y,z,D

i don’t understand why we this?

What u didn’t understand exactly

this for loop why we do this

Tetrahedron is a prism
We have to find no of ways to reach at top in n moves
So initially its already there so for n=0
d=1 and for rest corners a,b,c at n=0 is 0

We can go to any corner from other 3 corners
So we this is what we are doing in loops

My suggestion is calculate manually for smal test cases
And then see the loop

why we put d=1 and others is zero?

These are the states of DP

Bro for n=0 that is we cant move
So ways to reach a,b,c are 0 and sice we are already on top so way to reach top is 1 i.e d=1

if you see this question the first time then you able to make it or not??

I am seeing this for the first time :slight_smile:
This will come to you naturally with practice.
The more problems you solve the better you will become handling new problems :slight_smile:

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