Telegram bot not deploying on heroku

I did exactly what was shown in the lesson video, everything was fine till git push heroku master. But the link on which my app is deployed says Application error(logs says App crashed).
my Procfile contains web: gunicorn app:app and I am using windows os. Please help

Hi @Samar-Kalra-1545755095564721

Please share the complete code directory to help me debug your code. You can share it through Google Drive.

Also try to share the logs available through the command heroku logs.

(I’m assuming Heroku CLI is configured correctly and working for now)

Happy Learning!

google drive link for all the files: code link

I’ve logged in Heroku CLI with command heroku login -i and entered the email id and password that I’ve entered while creating the account on Heroku.

heroku logs:

Try changing the Python version in runtime.txt to “3.7.0”. Also, remove the version information of Gunicorn from the requirements.txt file.

(If this fails, attach the new logs too).

Let me know if this works.

Okay so there was some problem with the requirement.txt file, dialogflow and python-telegram-bot were not included in it. So I created it again and it worked

One thing that i want to know

->python -m venv env
I used above two commands to create and activate virtual environment. Is this the correct way for windows

Second dought
When I install a python pakage in virtual environment, will it get installed in global scope as well

Yes, this is the correct command to activate a virtual environment.


All packages installed in a virtual environment go into the env folder. The global python interpreter won’t even know they exist, thus, providing isolation between different projects.

okay things are more clear now​:+1::+1:
thank you so much for your help Vasu
now I’ll be fixing my keyboard coz I’ve written dought instead of doubt :joy::joy:

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