Sum of all the submatrices approach #2 O(n^4)

Please check why the sum is coming out to be one less than the correct answer.

you have not applied conditions correctly
correct way is

   for(int li=0; li<n; li++){
        for(int lj=0; lj<n; lj++){
            for(int bi=li; bi<n; bi++ ){
                for(int bj=lj; bj<n; bj++){
                    int temp=arr[bi][bj];
                    // cout<<temp<<"\n";

this will give correct output

Hey can you point out what was the problem with my code?

in line 54 to 56

				else if(li==0){

this should be

				else if(li==0){

i hope your doubt is resolved
if you have no further query regarding this
please mark it as resolved

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Thank you! :smile: Do you know how to mark it as resolved? I can’t seem to find any previous doubts in ask doubt section.

in course page in library tab there is a doubts section where all doubts are shown.