Sudi=oku solverrr

good evening sir,
this code is proper run but not print anything…
please tell me what is the problem in this code i am checked 5 times with your code

// find out the starting position of sub grid use formula row=(i/sqrt(n))*sqrt(n)and column=(j/sqrt(n))sqrt(n)
// first subgrid take as a 0,1 second 0,2 … let us matrix is 3
using namespace std;
bool CanPlace(int mat[][9],int i,int j,int n ,int number)
for(int row=0;row<n;row++)
// row column check
if(mat[i][row]==number || mat[row][j]==number)
return false;
// subgrid check
//x and y starting point of sub grid
int rn=sqrt(n);
int x=(i/rn)*rn;
int y=(i/rn)*rn;
for(int row=x;row<x+rn;row++)
for(int column=y;column<y+rn;column++)
return false;
return true;

bool SolveSudoku(int mat[][9],int i,int j,int n)
//base case
//print matrix
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
for(int j=0;j<n;j++)
cout<<mat[i][j]<<" ";
return true;
// case row end
return SolveSudoku(mat,i+1,0,n);
// skip the prefilled cell
return SolveSudoku(mat,i,j+1,n);
// rec case
// fill the current cell with possible options
for(int number=1;number<=n;number++)
if( CanPlace(mat,i,j,n,number))
//assume right answer

     bool couldwesolve=SolveSudoku(mat,i,j+1,n);

          return true;
return false;

int main()
int mat[9][9]={


return 0;


Hi. kindly save ur code in ide( and share link

u can refer this

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