Hi Teacher
I have code and i have checked it runs correctly. But when i submit the code. I am getting zero marks. Why ??
import java.lang.Integer;
public class StringToInteger {
public static void main(String[] args){
static int stringToInteger(String input){
if(input.length() == 0)
return 0;
int total = 0;
for(int x=0,y=input.length()-1; x<1; ++x,--y){ //!!!! Loop is running only once !!!!
String currentChar = input.substring(x,x+1); // first is inclusive and second is exclusive
String ros = input.substring(x+1); // It can also be written as String ros = input.substring(x+1);
int currentCharAsInt = Integer.parseInt(currentChar);
int currentValue = currentCharAsInt * (int)Math.pow(10, y);
int prevValue = stringToInteger(ros);
total = currentValue + prevValue;
return total;
static int convertStringtoInteger(String input){
int result = -1;
String currentChar = input.substring(0,1); // getFirstCharacter
//if( currentChar == "-") { // This does not work because it checks for address space
if( currentChar.equals("-") ) {
String ros = input.substring(1);
result = -1 * stringToInteger(ros);
result = stringToInteger(input);
return result;
static int stringToIntegerWithoutRecursion(String input){
int low = 0;
int high = input.length() - 1;
int total = 0;
for( int x = 0, y = high; x <= high; ++x, --y){
String currentChar = input.substring(x,x+1); // first is inclusive and second is exclusive
String ros = input.substring(x+1); // It can also be written as String ros = input.substring(x+1);
int currentCharAsInt = Integer.parseInt(currentChar);
int currentValue = currentCharAsInt * (int)Math.pow(10, y);
total = total + currentValue;
return total;