Sir, i'm getting compilation error. please help me to figure out my mistake

i have removed all compilation error

  1. s.insert(make_pair(dij_dist,ngr.first));
    there should be a braces or use make_pair function

  2. void addedge(int u, int v, int w ) {

    it should be x and y not u and v

  3. unordered_map(int ,int) dist ;
    here you should use angular brackets
    unordered_map<int ,int> dist ;

Modified Code

sir, i correct my code as u told. but still I’m getting compilation error. please check

here is my new code ->

sir, i did and got the correct output but failed in the test case. please help me to remove my error. here is my code ->

you are missing one check
here you also have to check whether then ngr.first is processed befor or not
it should not be processed before

sir, Then how will i update the dist[ngr.first] if i get “if((nodedist+ngr.second)<dist[ngr.first])” ?

you can use visited map for that
but you have to check this condition also