Runtime error in logistic regression class problem

def hypothesis(x,theta,b):
h =,theta)+b
return sigmoid(h)

def sigmoid(z):
return (1.0)/(1.0+np.exp(-1.0*z))

def error(y_true,x,theta,b):
m = x.shape[0]
err = 0.0

for i in range(m):
    hx = hypothesis(x[i],theta,b)
    err+= (y_true[i]*np.log2(hx))+(1-y_true[i])*np.log2(1-hx)
return -err/m 

def get_grads(y_true,x,theta,b):
grad_theta = np.zeros(theta.shape)
grad_b = 0.0
m = x.shape[0]

for i in range(m):
    hx = hypothesis(x[i],theta,b)
    grad_theta += -1*(y_true[i]-hx)*x[i]
    grad_b += -1*(y_true[i]-hx)
grad_theta /= m
grad_b /= m

return [grad_theta,grad_b]

def grad_descent(x,y_true,theta,b,learning_rate=0.5):
err = error(y_true,x,theta,b)
[grad_theta,grad_b] = get_grads(y_true,x,theta,b)

theta = theta + learning_rate*grad_theta
b = b + learning_rate*grad_b

return err,theta,b

loss = []

theta = 2np.random.random((x.shape[1],))
b = 5

for i in range(100):
l,theta,b = grad_descent(x,y,theta,b)

:14: RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log2
err+= (y_true[i]*np.log2(hx))+(1-y_true[i])*np.log2(1-hx)
:14: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in multiply
err+= (y_true[i]*np.log2(hx))+(1-y_true[i])*np.log2(1-hx)

The root of the problem is this line:

err += (y_true[i]*np.log2(hx))+(1-y_true[i])*np.log2(1-hx)

log (0) is not defined or negative infinity. Try running np.log2(0.0) and you’ll get the same warning.
Whenever float(hx) gives something very close to 0, your error becomes NaN.

An easy fix is to add a very small value called epsilon in ML terminology (1e-10) to the term whose log is being taken.

err += (y_true[i]*np.log2(hx + 1e-10))+(1-y_true[i])*np.log2(1 - hx + 1e-10)

Let me know if this resolved the issue.

thank u vasu bhaiya , your fix fixed my issue :slight_smile:

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Really glad to be of help @Jrockstar !