Running python code on command line

I am not able to run my python code on command prompt. As told by Prateek Bhaiya in the video that in the advanced system settings, we must have 2 paths ( C:\Python\Scripts and C:\Python ) so that the code works on command prompt and if we do not have these 2 paths, we will have trouble running our code on command prompt. So, I created these 2 paths going in environment variables and then path and then edit option, but I am still not able to run my python code on command prompt. Please tell how to fix this problem.

Hey @abhaygarg2001, first of all install anaconda, it helps to resolve path conflicts etc directly. While installation tick the check box which says add anaconda to path variables. Also tick the second check box to use the default python as that installed with anaconda.

Then your file will run perfectly from command prompt and from anaconda prompt, both.
Hope this resolved your doubt.
Plz mark the doubt as resolved in my doubts section :blush: