Run error in 1 testcase

link to code :
I’m getting run error in one of the test case, what is wrong eith the code ?

Your code and logic is correct. But the problem is you have not cleared beverage, revbeverage and your graph g for each testcase. It contains data from previous testcase. Just write these line at the end of solve() function
for(int i=0;i<1005;i++){ g[i].clear(); }

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Here is the updated code. Please check here

still getting run error, now in both the testcases :upside_down_face:

Can you please submit it at hackerblocks and tell whether it is running there or not because it’s passing both testcase when i submitted.

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I submitted for the wrong question :sweat_smile:, sorry for the trouble, it’s working.
Thanks for the effort :relaxed:

Please mark this doubt as resolved :grinning:

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