Related to functions

Is the formal arguments and parameters mean the same?

hey @Mohit2000 ,
there is very small difference that arguments refers to the actual values that we pass to the function.
whereas parameters are the named variables that we create that except some values.

I hope this helps.

Then, what is meant by formal and actual arguments?
How it is different from formal and actual parameters?

Hey @Mohit2000 ,
parameters and arguments are used together , but in some languages , based on conventions made they are being used differently like either actual and formal parameters or actual and formal arguments.
But to keep it short and clear , the basic thing is

  • P ARAMETER → P LACEHOLDER (This means a placeholder belongs to the function naming and be used in the function body)
  • A RGUMENT → A CTUAL VALUE (This means an actual value which is passed by the function calling)

I guess this helped you :slightly_smiling_face:.