well i was using transfer learning on the ResNet50 model and after adding some layers from my own side.When i was trying to train my model and i was loading dataset batchwise using generators then while training it gives me warning that util.to_categorical can not be used properly why it is so ??
Regarding Transfer Learning
hey @amankharb ,
There are two methods to Generators to create training data in batches ,
Use keras ImageDataGenerator , it aloows you perform augmentation as well as batching of dataset with either categorical output or a single output. But it can’t be used when you need to apply multiple inputs.
Create a Custom Generator , Now its your choice how you want to retrieve the data , how you want to process it and pass to the your deep learning model and also what outputs do you want to apply for training.
Can you please provide a link to your code. So that i am to debug and get if there is any error or its just a mere warning .
Thank You and Happy Learning .
here is the link of my code and the model that i am trying to create.
tell me why my model is not performing well
i am getting maximum accuracy of 30% with AlexNet architecture.It is because of the lesser number of dataset or what or i have
and when i am performing transfer learning that u can see in google colab for first 20 epochs the val_loss was fluctuating .Can u please analyze my code and tell me where i am wrong both before using transfer learning and after using transfer learning
hey @amankharb ,
Sorry to respond you so late , kindly provide access to above code file.
Thank You and Happy Learning .
i have provided access to everyone please check
hey @amankharb ,
sorry for such late response,
there are some things you need to understand :
- In a convolution layer , number of filters matter a lot. Just don’t start with a large number of filters. Slowly increase them , this shows that your is learning and is able to to distinguish between the classes too.
- For classification tasks , you need to use either softmax or sigmoid activation function on the final output layer. Relu can be used but it considers the output as a numeri value whereas we want our model to predict the probability for each class.
- You need to understand the use of dropouts and dense together. And Also Pooling.
As flatten layer increases a large number of nodes in a layer , resulting in low performance and high number of model parameters.
I have implemented your alexnet model architecture in a better way.
Have a look at this code https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1zgv6ytMLU2KGf_zHyEgRQP7QWOU2PybI?usp=sharing
I hope this helps you.