Regarding the code written

Sir why should we use that -1 in finding the index. Although i know without it answer is not coming right, but if we have used comparator of a<=b, so in 120 shouldn’t it return 100? (as 100<=120).

can you share the Complete code?

which question you are asking??
money change problem ??
your code is of priority queue

#include #include using namespace std; bool compare(int a, int b){ return a<=b; } int main() { int coins[]={0,2,5,10,20,50,100,200,500,2000}; int n=sizeof(coins)/sizeof(int); int money=120; while(money>0){ int lb=lower_bound(coins,coins+n,money,compare)-coins-1; cout<<coins[lb]<<","; money=money-coins[lb]; } }

how can i read this
plz share the link of code
so that i can run and edit to check your code

the comparator return value indicates whether the first argument is considered to go before the second.
as 100<=120 holds true so iteration moves ahead 200<=120 fails hence return 200
lower_bound(coins,coins+n,money,compare) this will give 200 not 120
hence we have to subtract 1 to get desired results

to avoid such confusions
best way is to
first print what lower_bound(coins,coins+n,money,compare) this will give and then write accordingly


got your point that since it is returning one greater index so we subtracted 1, then in case when money will be 100, then why subtracting 1 is still giving the right answer?

for money =100 it still return 200 check this
