Regarding deep copy of constructor

in shallow copy
char +name;
Car(char *n)
name=new char[strlen(n)+1];
in deep copy
Car(Car &x)
name=new char[strlen(];
I can’t understand difference between the two,as in both we are dynamically allocating memory pointed by name pointer and then copying the content of string in memory pointed by name?

Hey @isingh
From where did u get this example
Is it in the video
If its then please share the timestamp(time at which they are discussed)
Otherwise share the source

At timestamp 3:23 and 12:28, it has been discussed

yeah this was wrong

this is not shallow this is also deep
And this isn’t present in vedio i guess


this is deep copy and
this one is shallow copy

Car(Car &x)

See from 12:30

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