Regarding course content

is this course contain object detection? prerequisite to learning object detection?
if yes, in which section if no please tell me some best source to learn object detection.

Hey @pankajrajput020010, I understand your concern, but we don’t have Object Detection videos explicitly in our course. Many of the concepts and libraries used in Object detection have been taught in this course, but the exact algorithms you will need to study yourself. We do have face recognition project which can give you a good insight of how object detection works.
Also I am attaching one link below. Kindly go through it to get started with object detection :

Object Detection Series

You can also pursue a course provided by coursera called “Deep Learning Specialization” by . In that specialization you will find basics of object detection very good !

I hope this clears your doubt ! :+1:
I would recommend you to first complete this course and then switch to topics not covered in this course :sweat_smile:

Happy Learning ! :slightly_smiling_face: