Write a python cript that capture images from your wencam video stream # Extract all faces from the images frame(using haarcascadedes) # Stores the Faces information into numpy arrays # To do list: # 1.Read and show video stream,capture images # 2.Detect Faces And Show bounding box(using haarcascade) # 3.Flatten The largest face image And save in a numpy array # 4.Repeat the above for multiple people to generate training data import cv2 import numpy as np #Init camera cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) #Face Detection face_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier(“haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml”) skip = 0 face_data = [] dataset_path = ‘project1’ file_name = input("Enter the name of person : ") while True: ret,frame = cap.read() if ret==False: continue gray_frame = cv2.cvtcolor(frame,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) #cv2.imshow(“Frame”,frame) faces=face_cascade.detectMultiscale(frame,1.3,5) faces = sorted(faces,key=lambda f:f[2]*f[3]) #print(faces) #pick the last face (because it is the largest face acc to area(f[2]*f[3])) for face in faces: x,y,w,h = face cv2.rectangle(frame,(x,y),(x+w,y+h),(0,255.255),2) #Extract (Crop out the required face ) : Region of interest offset = 10 face_section = frame[y-offset:y+h+offset,x+w+offset] face_section = cv2.resize(face_section,(100,100)) skip+=1 if skip%10==0: face_data.append(face_section) print(len(face_data)) cv2.imshow(“Frame”,frame) cv2.imshow(“Face Section”,face_section) ‘’’#store the 10th face if(skip%10==0): #store the 10th Face later on pass ‘’’ key_pressed = cv2.waitkey(1) & 0xFF if key_pressed == ord(‘q’): break #Convert our face list array into a numpy array face_data = np.asarray(face_data) face_data = face_data.reshape((face_data.shape[0],-1)) print(face_data.shape) #save this data into file system np.save(dataset_path+file_name+’.npy’,face_data) print("Data suceessfully save at "+dataset_path+file_name+’.npy’) cap.release() cap.destroyAllWindows()