Redirection after UpdateView

Hello EveryOne,

I am new to Django, and I am stuck with this problem. So, I was practising generic views. And after the updation I want to redirect the user to student_detail page. So, He/She can see the updated changes. But the student_detail page need id as arguement and I don’t know how to pass that dynamically from Please tell me what should I write in success_url to redirect to student_detail page.
Thank You, In advance.

This the the UpdateView in

class UpdateStudent(UpdateView):
model = Student
template_name = ‘update_student.html’
fields = ‘all
success_url = ‘/’

These are urls for student_detail and update_student in

path(‘student/int:pk/’, views.StudentDetail.as_view(), name=‘getstudent’),
path(‘update_student/int:pk/’, views.UpdateStudent.as_view(), name=‘updatestudent’)