Recursion-dictionary(Larger) Last test case issue


How to solve for the last test case… I read some doubts from the previous discussion they say for 231
the output should be: 321
First of all, when order is not mention, then I assume that both the decreasing and increasing output order should be accepted. and second of all how should I solve it particularly for last test case

yes you are. correct, that both should be accepted, but here we have a sample output file in each test cases, if you file matches the sample file then only it will give AC.
secondly first try to print in increasing order otherwise try in decreasing order, reverse it

@apaarkamal Thanks apaar, I have attempted both, but I could only score 75 and 50 in increasing and decreasing resp. :slight_smile:

@apaarkamal Can you please help me with this problem?
URL: Optimal Game strategy-II