Rabin-Karp Algorithm

How can e print all occurences of the pattern in the string?What change is needed in the code?I tried removing the return statement inside the first if block so that a new hash value is evaluated everytime after the first if block,but it doesnt work like that


I want to make the code work for the above inputs

hi @aryamaan1011 run the program for the input you have mentioned, it is giving all the occurrences of the pattern.

I have tried running it just gives 0 as output…and how will it print all instances we are retruning 0 inside the first if block so it will terminate after the first occurence right?

This is the code

And the code is sent u earlier it does not give any output at all…plz check it.

the code is same as the first code…

@aryamaan1011 i tried the first code on CB IDE its working fine for me.
Remove this part when you are working in the online IDE

see the output now, its working fine

I dont know for some reason it wasnt showing the output earlier even though i had removed the input output part of the code…but now its showing correct answer…Thank You!!

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@aryamaan1011 dont forget to mark your doubt as resolved!