Question 7, error

When I am using the dictionary provided with keys= [‘one’, ‘two’], i am getting a keyerror: ‘colname1’. This is because it extracts data based on the key of the dictionary and since it is not able to find one, it raised that error. When i changed the dictionary keys to: ‘colname1’, ‘colname2’ then only the graph was plotted without any errors. This is the code option I am talking about…

df.plot(x=‘colname1’, y=‘colname2’, style=‘o’)

But, it says that both the options are correct.

hey @A18ML0031 ,
You are absolutely correct.
Will get it changed , once need to inform the mentors. Just try this after some time.

Thank You for letting us know about this.

Okay thanks for the same

i asked the mentor about the same, he will get it resolved.
So Now is there anything you wanted to ask regarding this, else you can mark this doubt as reolved.

Thank You :slightly_smiling_face:,