Pythagorean's Challenge problem

Link to the question Question

My solution , works fine in my local machine and gives right output

import math

n = int(raw_input())
num = [int(x) for x in (str(raw_input())).split()]
# for i in range(n):
#     num.append(int(raw_input()))

def printer(x):
    for i in range(int(math.sqrt(x)) + 1):
        b = x - i * i
        if ((i <= int(math.sqrt(b)) and ((math.sqrt(b)) / (round(math.sqrt(b)))) == 1)):

for x in num:
    if (((math.sqrt(x)) / (round(math.sqrt(x)))) == 1):

**|Test Case Number |Result|
|#1 |wrong-answer|
|#2 |run-error|

these are the two errors i am getting on submission

In today’s date most of the people know about it, So for that, if you are interested in it then you will do one thing just browse some different tricks like you will use HP printer which will be fine for you all. Faced any type of issue just visit hp printer error code oxc4eb827f

It is nice to me that I have read this article and we are also promoting the technology and tech support. To fix this error one will have to install the printer driver on their device. To know about how to fix printer repair issue please visit our web portal.