Problem with sample output

sample output of the challenge contains 3002 rows which is wrong because test input contains only 1002 rows
how output is more than input

this is my code it is giving accuracy of 1% only
even when i submit sampleoutput.csv as it is
it is giving me accuracy of 49%

please check where it is wrong


hey @anandprakash1091971 ,

just ignore that part , it is just an example to show.

hey buddy your code is absolutely great , but just a very small mistake .
While creating your output.csv , you have kept if score < 0.5 then append 1 to predictions , instead of it you just need append 0 if score <0.5 and 1 if score >0.5.

If you make these required changes then you will be able to achieve around 98 score.

I hope this would have resolved your doubt.
Thank You and Happy Learning :slightly_smiling_face:.

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okay i understand
thanks for your help

you didn’t normalise the data still getting right answer. can you please tell me how?

hey @Shivam_27,
Its not always that you need to normalize your data.
Sometimes your models work better without normalizing your data and the same happens here also. ]
Normalizing is very helpful when the difference between ranges of values is very high.
As then the model lacks some generalizing power.

I hope it helped you.
Thank You. :slightly_smiling_face:

ok , i got it. Thanks