Problem E knapsack 2

Instead of just iterating over a sample of values from 1 to 1 e 5 for “Value”;
Can’t we just apply the binary search for “Value” from 1 to 1 e 5?

Here’s my implementation which is getting WA:

hello @Rhinorox
pls explain ur binary search logic

in tutorial, sir is using brute force on “values” from 2 to 1e5. But in that place i want to use binary search

i know u r applying binary serach on values.
i m asking ur logic.
how u r checking whether particular value is possible or not?

Please go through my code for once, i’ll try to explain what i did: ----> (recurrence fn) = for given “N” and “V” find min. weight “W” . (Our Problem) = We don’t know the value “V”, therefore we apply binary search in monotonic search spaces. (Application) = In the binary search fn. we turn the interval as True if the weight <= W and mark that value “V” as ans and proceed further while marking that interval as False if weight > W

yeah logically ur approach is correct.
but i think implementation is creating some issue.
because we have stored -1 ,INT_MAX in some part of array which distort the monotonic property.

[- 1,0,x ,INT_MAX,-1,y,z…]
our array will have something like this configuration .

brute force willl work.iterate from last and find first value that is not INT_MAX,-1

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