Proble asked in sabre campus hiring test

Queries and operations

You are given N coins of different value val, that are arranged in a row. You are given Q queries of the following format

.0 X Y:Compute the sum of all the special coins in interval X, N.
• 1 X Y: Compute the multiplication of all the special coins in interval (X, N).

For each query, the Xth position contains a special coin. Here, a coin is considered a special coin if the distance of its index from the index of any other special coin is evenly divisible by Y. For example, if coin at i = 2 is special and the value of Y is 3, then coin at i=5 ,8 , 11 are also considered as special coins.

Note: Since the answers can be large, print the answer modulus 10^9 + 7.

Input format

• The first line contains T denoting the number of test cases,

• The first line of each test case contains N denoting the number of coins.

• The second line of each test case contains N space-separated integers denoting the value of each coin

• The third line of each test case contains Q denoting the number of queries

• Next Q lines of each test case contain three space-separated integers that contain 0 or 1, X, and Y

Output format

Print the answer for each query in a separate line.


I<N,Q<= 5 x 10^4



Note: It is advisable to use fast Vo for this problem.

Sample input 1

1 5












Sample output 1





Hint: Square Root Decomposition

sir please help nhi ho rha h this question is asked in sabre corporation… They will ask same in interview…I have asked friends from other colleges they told they will ask same questions as of written test

Should I tell the complete solution then, or you want me to provide hints?

please sircomplete solution

sir please reply… i have tried this many times

Case 1
for cases when y > 1000, that is, difference given is greater than 1000 in query

Now, note that, the brute force will take O(n x ( n / y)) which in worst case is approx. =
(5 x 10^4) x (5 x 10^4) / 1000 = 2.5 x 10^6.

So brute force will work for this case.

Case 2
when y < 1000, that is, difference given in query is less than 1000

Now, bruteforce won’t work, but we can do precalculation in this part.
for every difference y = d, calculate the sum/product of arrays at a distance of d.

For example, for d:
presum arrays will be like

sum[0] = arr[0], arr[0] + arr[d], arr[0] + arr[d] + arr[2d], arr[0] + arr[d] + arr[2d] + arr[3d], ....
sum[1] = arr[1], arr[1] + arr[1 + d], arr[1] + arr[1 + d] + arr[1 + 2d], arr[1] + arr[1 + d] + arr[1 + 2d] + arr[1 + 3d], ....
sum[2] = arr[2], arr[2] + arr[2 + d], arr[2] + arr[2 + d] + arr[2 + 2d], arr[2] + arr[2 + d] + arr[2 + 2d] + arr[2 + 3d], ....
sum[3] = arr[3], arr[3] + arr[3 + d], arr[3] + arr[3 + d] + arr[3 + 2d], arr[3] + arr[3 + d] + arr[3 + 2d] + arr[3 + 3d], ....
sum[4] = arr[4], arr[4] + arr[4 + d], arr[4] + arr[4 + d] + arr[4 + 2d], arr[4] + arr[4 + d] + arr[4 + 2d] + arr[4 + 3d], ....
sum[d - 1] = ...

Now, to answer a query of let’s say x = 5, y = 2, we can simply return the sum from one of the presums array.

so for every d, we will have n corresponding values, hence in total 1000 * n values are stored
which in worst case = 5 x 10^6, and can be easily stored.

please share the code