Prateek loves candy problem it is showing name error even after declaring the name

When you submit code on any online platform don’t include any personal packages that you normally include while working on a local IDE. Here, package a1;

I have removed the package name but then also it is showing me the same error.

Send the question and solution link in CB ide

Question :-1:

Prateek recently graduated from college. To celebrate, he went to a candy shop and bought all the candies. The total cost was a number upto which there are n prime numbers (starting from 2). Since Prateek wants to minimize his cost, he calls you to help him find the minimum amount that needs to be paid. Being a student of Prateek bhaiya it is now your job to help him out :slight_smile:

Solution Link:-

This code compiles well. But it isn’t the best and the most efficient way to solve this problem. Think of a better solution in terms of time complexity.